A Big Thank You To Our Supporters As We Look Back At 2021

​​Fr Martin Magill presented our directors’ annual report at the 4 Corners’ recent AGM.

Expressing gratitude to our funders, supporters and all who contributed to the 2021 festival, the directors were delighted to report on a successful festival reaching over 3800 people through a programme of online events.

While acknowledging the challenges of delivering a festival during the pandemic, the directors were pleased to be able to connect with so many people during a difficult time and highlighted the positive outcomes of digital delivery, notably the archive of events footage that continues to be available on our website.

The directors would like to extend their thanks again to all who continue to support us through funding, prayer and donations, enabling the festival to keep growing and serving the community of Belfast.

The full annual report can be viewed below

For the full annual report, go to 4cornersfestival.com/Annual-Report-2021

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